Ensuing Governor Eric J. Holcomb’s statewide address yesterday, Monday, March 23, 2020, below is a list of Essential Businesses and Services that will remain open. The order goes into effect at 11:59 PM Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
- Stores that Sell Groceries and Medicine
- Food, Beverage and Agriculture
- Organizations that Provide Charitable and Social Services
- Religious Entities
- Media
- Gas Stations and Businesses needed for Transportation
- Financial and Insurance Institutions
- Hardware and Supply Stores
- Critical Trades
- Mail, Post, Shipping, Logistics, Delivery, and Pick-Up Services
- Educational Institutions
- Laundry Services
- Restaurants for Consumption Off-Premises
- Businesses that Provide Supplies to Work From Home
- Businesses that Provide Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations
- Transportation
- Home-Based Care and Services
- Residential Facilities and Shelters
- Professional Services Manufacture, Distribution, and Supply Chain for Critical Products and Industries
- Critical Labor Union Functions
- Hotels and Motels
- Funeral Services
- Entities on the CISA List
For more detailed information see https://www.in.gov/coronavirus/2496.htm or reach out to one of our Carson attorneys.